"Secure Your Marine Assets with Al-BAhriah Insurance"


The preservation and maintenance of Al-Bahriah’s reinsurance security are of paramount importance. The reinsurance structure is well designed through various programs led by Lloyd’s underwriters.

First class reinsurance security is provided and established as follows:

  • Rating of Reinsurers : “A+” by Standard & Poor’s with a stable outlook
  • Free Reserves : Significantly high dedication for each GT
  • Capital Management: Diversification of capital investment

Al-Bahriah enjoys various marine Hull and P&I reinsurance treaties placed at Lloyds and other first class reinsurers and offers a Policy of Insurance that is second to none.

Schedule of Lloyd’s Underwriters Participating in Reinsurance Programs

  • Marine Cargo: 15 Lloyds Syndicates
  • Marine Liabilities: 6 Lloyds Syndicates
  • Marine Hull: 9 Lloyds Syndicates

Al-Bahriah’s aim is to build an insurance organization that is safe, reassuring and secure to Ship owners and Policyholders.